I actually came to the website this evening to see if I could leave a review for the twin colour John Norris fly line which I used for the first time today. I couldn’t see an obvious way to do so, and so I thought I’d send you a quick message instead. I have used your lines on various different reels in different weights, but I think this latest version is the best yet. It seemed to be superbly smooth through the rod rings, and even though it has been wound onto the spool for quite some time there was no problem with coiling or memory from the very first cast. I was using a WF5 on my Shakespeare Agility 9ft 5wt rod – a perfect match it would seem. Sadly I don’t have loads of spare cash to spend on my fly fishing tackle, but it would seem that increasingly (if you’re careful) you can actually get some great gear at a very reasonable cost. I’ll happily recommend these lines to anybody who’s interested. All the best, and tight lines for the new season. Jim