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There's plenty of choice in our collection of Barbour Men's Clothing. Our collection includes Barbour Waistcoats, Gilets and Vests, Sweaters and Shirts and much, much more. Our Barbour Country Active collection includes the very best Country Clothing for when you're out in the countryside.

Our range of Barbour Jackets include the famous Barbour waxed jackets as well as the ever popular and stylish quilted jackets, and when you need a bit of protection from the weather, there's waterproof jackets to keep you dry. Pair your Barbour Jacket with something from our selection of Barbour trousers. Whether it's a pair of luxury breeks, some smart trousers or some handy stud-on leggings, we’ve got everything you need.

We're sure you'll find something to suit to suit whether you're out in the field or out on the town!

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Barbour Cascade Sports Cap - Navy


£21.95 £16.99