Meet Professional Caster Eoin Fairgrieve!
Want the chance to pick the brains of a true casting expert? Then pop down to our store this Sunday 4th October, where we’ll be welcoming author, photographer and world speycasting champion Eoin Fairgrieve who hails from the Scottish borders and just about lives on the famous River Tweed.
As well as being an ex-river guide and casting consultant to a number of angling bodies and government agencies, Eoin is now a full-time professional speycasting instructor at his own fly-fishing centre on the River Tweed, Scotland. Fully qualified in all modern casting techniques with both single and double-handed fly rods, Eoin is the perfect candidate for answering all of your casting questions, with over 26 years of experience giving fly fishing seminars across the world. Besides being a qualified member of the Association of Advanced Professional Game Angling Instructors, Eoin is also a writer and photographer for the UK’s leading angling magazine Trout & Salmon. So you may indeed already be familiar with his extensive expertise! Eoin is a fishing consultant for Loop Tackle and will be available to provide in depth knowledge on this first class fishing brand. For more information about Eoin and his fly fishing centre, visit