John Norris recently supplied the prize for the Grafham Water Fly Fishers and English Disabled Fly Fishers day 2013 which was fished on Sunday 28th April. This event is very important to us here at John Norris and we supply the prize every year and have done for the last 10 years. Conditions for the day weren't ideal with heavy skies and string wind but despite the conditions being tricky the match fished to a rod average of 4.4 for the 41 rods. The winning pair on the day were Kevin Appleton and Mick Hill. The top individual was Chris Lane . Read more about the day here -
GWFFA & EDFF Day or watch the video here -
Video of GWFFA & EDFF Day.
Take a look at the lovely response we received from Nick Preston for the parcel of products we sent them for the prize.
‘Yes it has arrived thank you, and I’ve got to say I was astounded by your generosity when I opened the box. Thank you ever so much for your donation’